Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Papering the Afterlife

Maid and Men-servent by Kurt TongMachine Gun by Kurt Tong2 Million Dollars by Kurt TongBirthday Cake by Kurt Tong

Before reincarnation, you might need your stuff — your machine guns, cars, shoes, servants — you know, stuff. There’s an old, outlawed but tolerated Chinese custom of creating folded Joss paper into the form of their dead’s beloved earthly possessions and burning them as well-meaning effigies at the funeral ceremony. With the influx of capitalism, paper prostitutes, Viagra, ecstasy, gambling junk was sited smoldering at the graveyard. Artist and photographer Kurt Tong made you these, plus iPods, Louis Vuitton and some Mickey D. Safe travels, ghosts! “In Case It Rains in Heaven,” Kurt Tong, Jan 28 – Mar 4, Jen Bekman Projects, NYC. from ANIMAL

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