Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Built-in sleepy time nooks

via Man Cave With a View - NYTimes.com

Tiny models by Frank Kunert

Frank kunert art (2)Frank kunert art (1)
German artist Frank Kunert builds tiny models of convincing but subtly absurd scenes, which he then photographs.

Frank kunert art (3)

Sad Stuff on the Street Tumblr

Sad Stuff on the Street tumblr (1)
Sad Stuff on the Street tumblr (3)Abandoned undergarments, misplaced notes, and a pathetic stuffed animals are just a few of the sad things you might find on the sidewalk in your daily travels. There’s a Tumblr for everything and Sad Stuff on the Street is a sarcastically fun one started by New York author, Sloane Crosley. Submit your own photos of sad stuff. It’s surprisingly satisfying.
Sad Stuff on the Street tumblr (2)

Beautiful portraits by Charmaine Olivia

Charmaine Olivia art (1)

Charmaine Olivia art (3)